Connecticut Condo Insurance - Where to Get the Best Rate
Looking for Connecticut condo Insurance? Want to know where to get the best rate with a reputable company? Read on ...
The Master Policy
Condo insurance is different than standard homeowners insurance because your association insures your building with a master policy. This policy generally covers the walls, the roof, and the floors of your building.
This leaves you responsible for insuring your appliances, carpets, cabinets, wall coverings, and in some cases the interior walls. Before you purchase a policy you should check with your condo association to see what's covered, and what's not.
Condo Insurance
Standard condo insurance covers the following:
Personal property - It pays to replace your personal property - furniture, clothing, electronics, tools, sports equipment, etc. - when damaged by fire, smoke, plumbing leaks, or acts of nature. Expensive items like jewelry or computers may have a limit on coverage, but you can purchase additional coverage if you need to.
Personal liability coverage - When someone hurts himself in your condo, you could be sued and lose all you assets. Liability coverage pays for court-awarded damages, plus your court costs and legal fees when you're sued.
Standard policies include $100,000 to $300,000 worth of coverage, but you can purchase more if you have a lot of assets you want to cover.
Where to Get Inexpensive Condo Insurance
Condo insurance can vary by hundreds of dollars from one insurer to the next. The best way to get inexpensive condo insurance is to go to an insurance comparison website where you can get quotes from different insurers and compare them. (See link below.)
Once you've found a cheap rate, you can lower lower your rate even further by:
*Raising your deductible. This can save you hundreds of dollars a year on your premium.
* Asking for discounts. Some discounts include senior discounts, security device discounts, and non-smoker discounts. Don't assume your insurer will give them to you. Ask for all the discounts you're eligible for and include them in your policy.
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